Wednesday, November 16, 2011

European deserts; Baklava and Pim's cookies

The other day I tried baklava and pim's cookies. Baklava is a turkish desert and Pim's cookies are another european desert. The baklava was shaped like a  square and the crust looked flaky. It also looked like lime and lemon was grated on top. It smelled like lemons\limes and honey. I was expecting it to be tangy and but instead it tasted like honey, sugar, butter and walnuts. Personally I would rate the baklava a four out of five stars. I liked it but it was a bit too sweet, and it was a bit hard to eat because it was so sticky and flaky. Then I tried the Pim's cookies. The first one was orange flavored and the second was rassberry flavored. Both smelled like chocolate and dough but the organe cookie was gross! It tasted too artifitial and left a funny after taste, I would give it a one out of five stars. But the raspberry cookie was yummy! It tatsed like real raspberries and blended well with the chocolate, I think it deserves a four out of five stars.

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